AYU Therapeutic Massage

About Me

Ayu Taaffe, LMT, CLT

In a world that keeps on spinning, where too many of us feel mentally drained and physically exhausted, Ayu Taaffe’s gift is to give her clients a sense of sublime relaxation.

Ayu graduated from Oregon school of massage in 2017. She's perfect for the client who needs to escape, rejuvenate, and recharge. Ayu combines the benefits of clinical massage with the soothing effects of healing touch, and is well versed in deep tissue techniques, reflexology, hot stone therapy, and  craniosacral therapy.  She is also a reiki practitioner. Ayu had the opportunity to study with one of the leading oncology massage therapists, Gayle McDonald. Learning from this skilled mentor, Ayu uses gentle massage, reflexology, relaxation techniques, and breathing skills to work with clients in all stages of their cancer journey. In 2022, she is certified as manual lymphatic drainage practitioner. She is happy to help people who have issues for lymph flow such as lymphedema, Lipedema, and also post-operation.

In May of 2023 Ayu studied and attained her Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) credentials.

Please give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you.

Phone: 503-278-2264 / Email: ayu.therapeutic@gmail.com